Werner Mummert Military person

Werner Mummert (31 March 1897 – 28 January 1950) was a German officer during both World War I and World War II. Mummert was born in Lüttewitz/Saxony. He first joined the German Army in August 1914 and became a Lieutenant of the Reserve (Leutnant der Reserves), Sachs Karabiner Regiment in 1916. Mummert remained in the army between the wars. Mummert died in the Soviet POW Camp Šuja on 28 January 1950.

Personal facts

Werner Mummert
Birth dateMarch 31, 1897
Birth place
Saxony , Zschaitz-Ottewig
Date of deathJanuary 28, 1950
Place of death


Military person

Nazi Germany
German Empire (to 1918)
Weimar Republic (to 1933)
Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
military operations
World War II
World War I
military branch
German Army (1935–45)

Werner Mummert on Wikipedia