Werner Schmidt-Hammer Military person

Werner Schmidt-Hammer (26 September 1894 – 1 January 1962) was a highly decorated Generalleutnant in the Wehrmacht during World War II. He was also a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded to recognise extreme battlefield bravery or successful military leadership. Werner Schmidt-Hammer was captured by Soviet troops in May 1945 and was released in October 1955.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 26, 1894
Birth place
Germany , Hartmannsdorf Mittelsachsen
Date of deathJanuary 04, 1962
Place of death
Germany , Landau


Military person

(to 1918)
(to 1933)
Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
military operations
Operation Barbarossa
Invasion of Poland
Battle of Kursk
World War II
Battle of France
World War I
Second Battle of Kharkov
Battle of Kiev (1941)
Battle of the Dukla Pass
Case Blue
Prague Offensive
Kamenets-Podolsky Pocket
First Battle of Kharkov
Upper Silesian Offensive
Belgorod-Khar'kov Offensive Operation
Battle of Kiev (1943)
military branch
German Army (1935–45)
military command
LXXII. Armeekorps
168. Infanterie-Division
service start1914
service end1945

Werner Schmidt-Hammer on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Personenregister/S/SchmidtHammerWerner.htm
  2. http://www.ww2awards.com/person/17799