William D. Cochran American football player

William Duscharme "Pink Cheeks" Cochran (March 22, 1894 – December 5, 1951) was an American football player. He played guard and tackle for the University of Michigan from 1913 to 1915. He was a first-team All-Western lineman and the captain of Michigan's 1915 football team. He later operated a freight trucking line based in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He also served as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from 1936 to 1950, including five years as the Deputy Chairman from 1946 to 1950.

Personal facts

William D. Cochran
Birth dateMarch 22, 1894
Birth place
Houghton Michigan
Date of deathDecember 05, 1951
Height (meters)1.7272
Weight (Kilograms)106.596


American football player

University of Michigan
Houghton High School
Guard (American and Canadian football)
Tackle (American and Canadian football)

William D. Cochran on Wikipedia