William Waller Military person

Sir William Waller (c. 1597 – 19 September 1668) was an English Parliamentary general during the English Civil War. He received his education at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, and served in the Venetian army and in the Thirty Years' War. He received a knighthood in 1622 after taking part in Vere's expedition to the Electorate of the Palatinate.

Personal facts

William Waller
Birth place
Kent , Knole House , Sevenoaks
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1668


Military person


William Waller on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://archive.org/stream/encyclopaediabri28chisrich#page/283/mode/1up
  2. http://www.british-civil-wars.co.uk/biog/waller.htm