Willie Soon Scientist

Willie Wei-Hock Soon (born 1966) is an astrophysicist and geoscientist at the Solar and Stellar Physics (SSP) Division of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He is also a receiving editor for the journal New Astronomy. Soon has testified before Congress on the issue of climate change, and is known for his views that most global warming is caused by solar variation. He has written that he believes the Earth will experience about 1.0 C warming over the 2000 to 2100 period.In addition to writing a range of technical papers on astrophysics and the physics of climate change, Soon co-authored The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun–Earth Connection with Steven H. Yaskell (2004). The book treats historical and proxy records of climate change coinciding with the Maunder Minimum.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1966
Birth place
Kangar , Malaysia
University of Southern California
