Assadollah Hosseinpoor Military person

Assadollah Hosseinpour (Persian: اسد الله حسین پور) was born in 1882 or 1883 in Tehran, Iran. He was one of Ahad Agha Shirvani’s three sons, and grandson of Moustafa Khan Shirvani, governor of the Shirvan Khanate), a descendant of the Shirvan Shah who fought against Shah Esmaeil from the Persian Safavid dynasty. Following the defeat of the Shirvan Shah, the Khanate of Shirvan was annexed to Persia, but Mustafa Khan retained the governorship of Shirvan.Hosseinpour’s grandfather Mustafa Khan was a powerful landowner and a senior military commander in Shirvan. He married a Georgian princess while the khanates of Shirvan and Georgia were both parts of Persia. Georgia, Shirvan and 15 other provinces or territories were later annexed to Russia, after three Russo-Persian wars, during the Qajar dynasty, upon which the commanders of their armies, refusing to serve under the new Russian leadership, left their command posts and immigrated with their families to Persia, remaining loyal to the Shah of Persia.

Personal facts

Assadollah Hosseinpoor
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1882
Birth place
Iran , Tehran
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1954


Military person

allegiance23px Imperial State of Iran (Persia)
military commandSee below
military unit
Persian Cossack Brigade and Imperial Iranian Army
service start1910
service end1942

Topical connections

Assadollah Hosseinpoor on Wikipedia