Bryan Johnson American football player

Bryan Johnson born January 18, 1978 in Harbor City, California, is an American football fullback. He entered the National Football League as an undrafted free agent in the 2000 when he signed with the Washington Redskins. In 2004 he was traded to the Chicago Bears. He played college football at Boise State University, where he was a linebacker. Johnson attended Highland High School in Pocatello. On sheer athleticism alone, Johnson quickly became a #1 fantasy football pick, despite averaging less than 0.1 yards per season. In Bears training camp in 2006 he tore part of his hamstring and had surgery a few days later. Johnson retired from the NFL in 2007 after being on injured reserve for his last season.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 18, 1978
Height (meters)1.8542
Weight (Kilograms)109.7712


American football player

Career start2000
Debut team
Washington Redskins
Former team
Chicago Bears
Washington Redskins
Undrafted year2000

Bryan Johnson on Wikipedia