Cartwright Carmichael National collegiate athletic association athlete

Richard Cartwright "Cart" Carmichael (December 5, 1902 - December 12, 1960) was the first member of the North Carolina Tar Heels to earn All-America honors in any sport, when he was named to the 1923 first team for men's basketball, an honor he also received in 1924. He also lettered as an outfielder for the UNC baseball team. Carmichael was a member of the basketball team named 1922 and 1924 "Champions of the South" after winning the Southern Conference tournament at the Atlanta Municipal Auditorium. The squad was retrospectively awarded the 1924 national championship by the Helms Athletic Foundation some eleven years later. In addition to two regular season and two postseason conference championships, he was a three time All-Southern Conference selection. In 1922, he and his brother, Billy, became the first brothers to ever play together on the same Tar Heel basketball team. Billy was later vice-president of the Consolidated University of North Carolina and for whom the William D. Carmichael Jr. Auditorium (now Carmichael Arena) on campus was named.

Personal facts

Cartwright Carmichael
Alias (AKA)Cart
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1902
Birth place
Durham North Carolina
United States
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1960
Place of death
Charlotte North Carolina


National collegiate athletic association athlete

North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball

Topical connections

Cartwright Carmichael on Wikipedia

External resources
