Erik Wilhelm American football player

Erik Bradley Wilhelm (born November 16, 1965 is a former American football quarterback best remembered for his play in the National Football League from 1989 to 1997. Wilhelm was drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals of the NFL in the 3rd round of the 1989 NFL Draft following four years at Oregon State University where he set a number of school passing records. During his six year NFL career Wilhelm was a backup to the durable Boomer Esiason, seeing action in a total of 23 games, starting just once.After his time in the NFL Wilhelm played arena football for the Portland Prowlers of the Indoor Professional Football League in 2000 and for the Los Angeles Avengers of the Arena Football League in 2001.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 16, 1965
Birth place
Dayton Ohio


American football player

Career start1989
Career end2001
Draft pick83
Draft round3
Draft year1989
Cincinnati Bengals
New York Jets
Arena Football League

Erik Wilhelm on Wikipedia

External resources
