Eshaunte Jones National collegiate athletic association athlete

Eshaunte "Bear" Jones (born 1989 in California), is a college basketball player, who decommitted from the Oregon State Beavers. In June 2007, he announced his intention to pass on an oral commitment to Indiana University. In October 2007, he announced his decision to attend Oregon State University the following season after playing as a 5th year senior at Hargrave Military Academy in Virginia. He would late de-commit from Oregon State after a coaching change. In June 2008, Jones signed financial-agreement paperwork with the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Because it was after the NCAA signing period, Coach Doc Sadler could not confirm at that time that he had accepted a scholarship. Once he cleared the NCAA clearinghouse process, he enrolled at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the 2008 fall term. On March 31, 2011, Jones announced that he was leaving Nebraska to take care of personal things back in Indiana with his family. After leaving Nebraska, Jones popped up at Division II Northern Kentucky.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1989
Birth place
Height (meters)1.9304
Weight (Kilograms)90.72


National collegiate athletic association athlete

Career start2008
Northern Kentucky University
Fort Wayne Indiana
North Side High School (Fort Wayne Indiana)

Eshaunte Jones on Wikipedia