Esteban Gonnet

Esteban Gonnet (1830–1869) was a photographer born in France, who emigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1860.His original profession was surveyor but he started to work in photography upon his arrival in Buenos Aires.Many of his photographs do not have his signature but are attributed to him as they are stamped with his studio's seal "25 de Mayo 25". Gonnet was editor of the first photo album using the new negative system in Argentina.In 1864 his images served to make lithographs and be published in local newspapers. They showed rural life and customs showing natives and locals. Even though he did urban photography, he is mostly known for his documentary photography on rural life.In most of his photography he tried to convey the typical image of the creole, stereotyping Argentine customs, and using objects as symbols that would create iconic images of the era, which were then sold abroad where photography of travels to far away places where gaining in popularity.He produced and edited the "Recuerdos de Buenos Aires" photography book ("Remembrances of Buenos Aires") in 1864.

Personal facts

Esteban Gonnet
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1830
Birth place
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1869
Place of death
