Ester Brymova

Ester Brymová (pronounced bree-maw-va) (born 4 September 1978 in Prague, Czech Republic), also Ester Brym is a film director, producer and editor.In 1997 she moved to New York City to pursue studies in film-making. She worked as an editor in independent cinema until 2008 when she decided to move to Los Angeles to direct her first feature film “Butterflies”.Butterflies, a documentary about YouTubers, is the first film that puts YouTube on a big screen and introduces the world of new and social media. "Butterflies is the first film, that profiles the life of Internet celebrity as a new phenomenon," says journalist Veronika Bednářová in her article in Reflex.Butterflies has premiered at Action on Film International Film Festival in Pasadena, California on 27 July 2009 and have won the Alan J. Bailey Excellence Award in Documentary Filmmaking. It was also nominated for Best Social Commentary. It showed at ArcLight's first ever Documentary Festival written up by LA Times.Brym's short film 12 Hours was composed of footage that was shot for Ridley Scott's Life in a Day, which Brym took part at. 12 Hours showed at 2011 Action on Film Festival and Valley Film Festival reviewed by Fred Topel the film critic.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 04, 1978
Birth place
Czech Republic , Prague
