Esther Cailingold

Esther Cailingold (1925–1948) was a British-born schoolteacher of Polish extraction, who fought with the Jewish forces during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and died of wounds received in the battle for the Old City of Jerusalem. She is commemorated, in Israel, by the Esther Cailingold memorial forest at Kibbutz Lavi in the Lower Galilee, by a scholarship fund at Yeshivat HaKotel in Jerusalem, and on various war memorials including that of the Israeli Armored Corps at Latrun. Several libraries and other rooms in children's homes in Israel are named after her. In England she is remembered through the Esther Cailingold society in North London, part of Emunah UK.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 28, 1925
Birth nameEsther Cailingold
Birth place
London , Whitechapel
United Kingdom
Date of deathMay 29, 1948
Place of death
Resting place
Jerusalem , Mount Herzl


Esther Cailingold on Wikipedia