Franz Blücher Politician

Franz Blücher (24 March 1896 – 26 March 1959) was a German politician and member of the German Parliament (Bundestag).Blücher was born in Essen, Rhine Province, German Empire.After World War II, Blücher was one of the founders of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and served as chairman in the British occupation zone (1946-1949) and as Federal Chairman (1949-1954).From 1949 to 1957, he was a member of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's cabinet. As representative of the second-largest government party, he occupied the position of Vice-Chancellor of Germany and also held the Ministry for Matters of the Marshall Plan, which in 1953 was renamed Ministry for Economic Cooperation.In 1956, he - along with other fifteen ministers and parliamentarians - sided with Chancellor Adenauer against his party and formed the Free People's Party (FVP), which early in 1957 merged with the German Party (DP).Franz Blücher died on 26 March 1959 in Bad Godesberg, North Rhine-Westphalia.

Personal facts

Franz Blücher
Birth dateMarch 24, 1896
Birth place
German Empire , Essen
Date of deathMarch 26, 1959
Place of death
Bad Godesberg , West Germany



Minister for Economic Cooperation
(later renamed)
Federal Minister for Matters of the Marshall Plan
Free Democratic Party (Germany)
Free People's Party (Germany)
German Party (1947)
Hermann Lindrath
Federal Ministry for the Treasury

Franz Blücher on Wikipedia