Jack Trice National collegiate athletic association athlete

John G. "Jack" Trice (1902 – October 8, 1923) was a football player who became the first African-American athlete from Iowa State College (now Iowa State University). At the time he played for Iowa State, he was also the only African-American competing in sports for any of the Big Six Conference schools. Trice died due to injuries suffered during a college football game against the University of Minnesota on October 6, 1923.

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Trice Johnny
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1902
Birth place
Hiram Ohio
Date of deathOctober 08, 1923
Place of death
Ames Iowa
Weight (Kilograms)97.524


National collegiate athletic association athlete

Career start1923
Career end1923
Iowa State University
East Technical High School
American football

Jack Trice on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.aaregistry.org/historic_events/view/jack-trice-isu-football-legend
  2. http://www.add.lib.iastate.edu/spcl/arch/rgrp/21-7-23.html
  3. http://www.cyclones.com/SportSelect.dbml?SPSID=46691&SPID=4256&DB_OEM_ID=10700&ATCLID=324018
  4. http://www.isualum.org/en/site_index/index.cfm?nodeID=7763&audienceID=1