John Sudol

John Sudol is a creative professional in Los Angeles, CA. He has worked as a director and casting director. He is a noted acting coach in Los Angeles.He lived in Seattle from 1982-1990; during this time, he founded a theater company, an actor's workshop as well as a casting company in the Pacific northwest. He returned to Los Angeles in 1990 and opened up The John Sudol Acting Studio in 2001.Sudol specializes in teaching actors and business professionals emotional expressiveness through the seven universal human emotions, as described by Dr. Paul Ekman, Dr. David Matsumoto and other researchers in the field of psychology. Examination of this form of nonverbal communication was seen in action on the American television series, Lie to Me.As Sudol's work is more geared towards helping actors book gigs in film, television and commercials, he teaches more about facial movements than body language. He teaches about distortions, the differences between stage and film acting as well as the science behind how individuals are wired to express emotion.


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