Johnny Yune

Johnny Yune is a Korean-American actor and comedian.He played the lead in the 1980s films They Call Me Bruce? and They Still Call Me Bruce. Yune's big break came at The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Yune stated that due to "Charlton Heston" not showing up on time, he was given over twenty minutes of air time to make a great impression. Carson, impressed by Yune, had him on the show over 30 times. Johnny Yune also had a special night on NBC, when the Johnny Yune Special aired.Johnny Yune performed at the 1988 Summer Olympics at Seoul along with Bob Hope and Brooke Shields. From 1989 to 1990, he hosted the Johnny Yune Show (쟈니윤쇼), the first Americanized talk show in Korea. The show was a great hit, but only after a year, Yune decided to leave KBS due to limited freedom of the media.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1936
Birth place


Johnny Yune on Wikipedia