L. A. Micheloni

Dr. L.A. Micheloni (12 January 1878 – ??), received the degree of M. D. from the George Washington University of Washington, D. C., class of 1909, and in continuation of his studies shortly after went to Italy where he has taken a post graduate course, remaining there for a year and a half.Artist in drawing and painting, having won first prize and high honors in the Italian School of Art of Montevideo 1904-1907. He was also interested in fencing and was a member of the Fencers Club of New York. He has won several trophies in this country and abroad and held the championship for South America. Dr. Micheloni spoke Spanish, Italian, French and English.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 12, 1878
Birth place


L. A. Micheloni on Wikipedia