Ruán Magan

Ruán Magan is an award winning filmmaker based in Ireland, working internationally. Born in Dublin in 1968, he was educated in Gonzaga College and University College Dublin before embarking on a career in feature films in 1989 including Far and Away (Universal Pictures), Devil's Own (Columbia Pictures)[1] and Michael Collins (Warner Brothers)[2].He directed and filmed his first documentary in 1996 featuring his brother, the writer, Manchán Magan (Brandon books [3]), beginning of a long collaboration during which they made over 60 documentaries filmed across the planet, in India, North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and China. Critically acclaimed, many of these documentaries have been transmitted internationally. [4]In 2006 he won an IFTA [5] as producer of In Search of the Pope's Children[6], featuring the economist, David McWilliams. The Struggle[7] [8], an examination of significant events in the Irish Civil War and the roles played by Ernie O'Malley and Mangan's grandmother Sighle Humphreys, was screened in the first Irish Reels Festival in 2004 [9] while The Ghosts of Duffy's Cut[10], co-directed with Stephen Rooke [11], was nominated for an IFTA in 2006. In 2008 he directed Death or Canada, an epic two-part project telling the story of the Irish Famine from a human perspective for the channels RTÉ One, The History Channel UK and History Television and the project has been selected for a special screening by the Toronto Film Festival.Recent credits include: Director of The Men Who Built America (Emmy Winner, 2013); Editor of Banaz a Love Story (Emmy Winner, 2013); Producer/Director of The Radharc Squad (IFTA Winner 2013), Director/Cinematographer of Lifers (Signis Winner 2014) . His short film Angel [12] has won 7 international Awards including the Milan International Film Festival (2013).

Personal facts

Ruán Magan
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1968
Birth place
Dublin , Ireland
