A. D. Williams American football player

Dr. A. D. Williams (November 21, 1933) Originally from St.Louis, MO, Mr. Williams, a former Marine and educator resides in Waukegan, IL where he retired as the Deputy to the Director of Naval Education and Training. He has four children and five grandchildren and one great grand son. He was also an American football end in the National Football League who played for the Green Bay Packers, the Cleveland Browns, and the Minnesota Vikings. Williams was drafted in the third round of the 1956 NFL Draft out of University of the Pacific. He played for 3 years in the NFL, and retired in 1961.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 21, 1933
Birth place
Little Rock Arkansas


American football player

Career start1959
Career end1961
Draft pick
(By the Los Angeles Rams)
Draft round3
Draft year1956
End (American football)
Cleveland Browns
Green Bay Packers
Minnesota Vikings

A. D. Williams on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.quotesparade.com/authors/a-d-williams