Akanksha Singh National collegiate athletic association athlete

Akanksha Singh (born 7 September 1989) current captain of India Women's National Basketball Team. She is the member of national women team since 2004 to till date. In 2010, Akanksha singh was awarded the Most Valuable Player in India’s first Professional Basketball league, MBPL 2010. Her name then, went on to be forever cemented in the Indian Basketball history books as one of the first ever Top Four Players to achieve the "A Grade" from the Basketball Federation of India sponsored by IMG Reliance. She is very agile and one of the very skilled ball handlers of the country right now. She has been awarded Best Player in many national and state championships. In her captaincy at University of Delhi she won a gold medal in All India University basketball championship at Nallor, where she was given joint best player award along with her sister Pratima Singh. She belongs to Varanasi's "Basketball Family" where four out of five sisters who are commonly known as Singh Sisters have played for the Indian national team.

Personal facts

Akanksha Singh
Birth dateSeptember 07, 1989
Birth place
Uttar Pradesh , Varanasi
