Prashanti Singh National collegiate athletic association athlete

Prashanti Singh (born 5 May 1984, Varanasi, India) is a shooting guard for the Indian national women's basketball team. She represented the team at 2006 Commonwealth Games , 16th Asian Games Guangzhou 2010 and 17th Asian Games Incheon 2014. She is part of Varanasi's "Basketball Family of India" where four out of five sisters has played or playing for Indian national team.Prashanti joined the Indian Women's Basketball Team in 2003 and became its captain. She played as captain in 3rd Asian Indoor Games were held in Vietnam on 30 October – 8 November 2009 won Silver medal and 16th Asian Games at Guangzhou China in November 2010.Prashanti singh won GOLD Medal in Asian beach games at Sri Lanka in 2011. Prashanti Singh is one of the top four A grade player of India selected and sponsored by basketball federation of india & IMG-Reliance. Prashanti Singh won 21 Medals in prestigious National Championship/National Games/Federation Cup.She is also the member of International Women's Film Forum of AAFT.

Personal facts

Prashanti Singh
Birth dateMay 05, 1984
Birth place
Uttar Pradesh , Varanasi
