Al Denson American football player

Alfred Freddie "Al" Denson (born January 2, 1942 in Jacksonville, Florida) is a former American football wide receiver who played collegiately at Florida A&M University, and professionally for eight seasons for the Denver Broncos of the American Football League, and the National Football League's Broncos and Minnesota Vikings. He was drafted by the Broncos in the sixth round of the 1964 AFL Draft and by the Philadelphia Eagles in the sixth round of the 1964 NFL Draft, but chose to sign with Denver.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 02, 1942
Height (meters)1.8796
Weight (Kilograms)94.3488


American football player

Career start1964
Career end1971
Debut team
Denver Broncos
Draft pick
(By the Philadelphia Eagles)
Draft round6
Draft year1964
Former team
Denver Broncos
Minnesota Vikings
Tight end
Wide receiver

Al Denson on Wikipedia