Al Nelson American football player

Albert "Al" Nelson (born October 27, 1943, in Cincinnati, Ohio) is a former professional American football cornerback in the National Football League for nine seasons for the Philadelphia Eagles. He played college football at the University of Cincinnati and was drafted in the third round of the 1965 NFL Draft. Nelson was also selected in the ninth round of the 1965 AFL Draft by the Buffalo Bills.On September 26, 1971, at Veterans Stadium, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Nelson had a record 102-yard return of a missed field goal. The previous holder of the record was his coach at the time Jerry Williams. In the previous off-season, the league had allowed missed field goals kicked into end zone to be returned.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 27, 1943
Birth place
Ohio , Cincinnati Bearcats football
Height (meters)1.8034
Weight (Kilograms)84.3696


American football player

Career start1965
Career end1973
Debut team
Philadelphia Eagles
Draft pick35
Draft round3
Draft year1965
Former team
Philadelphia Eagles

Al Nelson on Wikipedia