A. J. Feeley American football player

Adam Joshua Feeley (born May 16, 1977) is a former American football quarterback. He was drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles in the fifth round of the 2001 NFL Draft. He played college football for the University of Oregon.He was also a member of the Miami Dolphins, San Diego Chargers, and Carolina Panthers.

Personal facts

A. J. Feeley
Birth dateMay 16, 1977
Birth place
Caldwell Idaho
Height (meters)1.905
Weight (Kilograms)99.792


American football player

Career start2001
Career end2011
Debut team
Philadelphia Eagles
Draft pick155
Draft round5
Draft year2001
Former team
Carolina Panthers
Miami Dolphins
Philadelphia Eagles
San Diego Chargers
St. Louis Rams

A. J. Feeley on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/F/FeelA.00.htm
  2. http://www.stlouisrams.com/team/roster/A.J.-Feeley/FEE447935