Amos Zereoué American football player

Amos Zereoué (born October 8, 1976 in Côte d'Ivoire) is a former American football player in the National Football League, who last played for the New England Patriots. During his college career Zereoué played for West Virginia University before being drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers as the 95th pick of the 1999 NFL Draft.He owned and operated a restaurant in Manhattan, New York, called Zereoué. It has since closed.

Personal facts

Amos Zereoué
Birth dateOctober 08, 1976
Birth place
Ivory Coast


American football player

Career start1999
Career end2005
Debut team
Pittsburgh Steelers
Draft pick95
Draft round3
Draft year1999
Running back
New England Patriots
Oakland Raiders
Pittsburgh Steelers

Amos Zereoué on Wikipedia