A. J. Edds American football player

Andrew James Edds (born September 18, 1987) is an American football linebacker who is currently plays for the Jacksonville Jaguars. He was drafted by the Miami Dolphins in the fourth round of the 2010 NFL Draft. He played college football at Iowa.He has been a member of the Indianapolis Colts, New England Patriots and New York Jets.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 18, 1987
Birth place
Marion Indiana
Height (meters)1.9304
Weight (Kilograms)116.1216


American football player

Career start2011
Debut team
New England Patriots
Draft pick119
Draft round4
Draft year2010
Former team
Indianapolis Colts
Miami Dolphins
New England Patriots

A. J. Edds on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.hawkeyesports.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/edds_aj00.html
  2. http://www.levarwoodsfootball.com/coaches/aj-edds