Art Folz American football player

Arthur F. Folz a.k.a. Art Foltz (March 31, 1903 - August 18, 1965) was a professional football player who played with the Chicago Cardinals of the National Football League from 1923 until 1925. He is best known for a role he played in a scandal that involved Folz hiring a group of high school football players from his alma mater, Chicago's Engelwood High School, to play for the Milwaukee Badgers, against the Cardinals. During the recruitment, Folz reportedly told the high schoolers that the game was a "practice game" and would in no part affect their amateur status.The plan would ensure an inferior opponent for Chicago. The game was then used to help prop up their win-loss percentage and as a chance of wrestling away the 1925 NFL Championship away from the first place Pottsville Maroons. For his involvement, Folz was barred from playing football in the NFL for life by NFL President Joseph Carr. However, in 1926, Folz's lifetime ban was lifted, probably to prevent him from going the first American Football League; even so, he chose not to return to pro football. The scandal also played a role in the 1925 NFL Championship controversy.

Personal facts

Birth dateMarch 31, 1903
Birth place
Chicago , Illinois , United States
Date of deathAugust 18, 1965
Place of death
California , Los Angeles , United States
