Art Thoms American football player

Arthur William Thoms (born August 28, 1947 in Teaneck, New Jersey) is a former collegiate and professional American football defensive tackle who played nine seasons in the American Football League and the National Football League.Thoms played high school football at Brick Township High School in Brick Township, New Jersey and at Wayne High School. From there he spent one year in the Hargrave Military Academy, which is where Syracuse Football found him and offered him a full scholarship.Thoms was taken in the 1969 Common Draft by the American Football League's Oakland Raiders. He played one year for the AFL's Raiders, then seven for them in the NFL, and one year with the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles.Member of the Oakland Raiders Super Bowl XI Team in 1976.In 2002 he was inducted into the All-Millenium Team at Syracuse.

Personal facts

Birth dateAugust 28, 1947
Birth place
Teaneck New Jersey


American football player

Tackle (American and Canadian football)
American Football League

Art Thoms on Wikipedia