Babe Laufenberg American football player

Brandon Hugh 'Babe' Laufenberg (born December 5, 1959 in Burbank, California) is a former American football quarterback in the National Football League who played for the New Orleans Saints, San Diego Chargers, Dallas Cowboys, Washington Redskins, and the Kansas City Chiefs. He also played for the Ohio Glory in the World League of American Football. Laufenberg won a Super Bowl ring behind Joe Thiesmann in Washington as a rookie backup quarterback.Laufenberg is also credited with giving Daryl Johnston the nickname "Moose". In the offensive meetings, Johnston towered over the other fullbacks and Laufenberg said that Johnston looked like, "A moose in a herd of deer.". Laufenberg was the lead sports anchor and Sports Director for KTVT television in Dallas, Texas, from 1997 to January 14, 2015, but continues to serve as a color analyst on the Dallas Cowboys Radio Network. His co-host, Brad Sham, has called him the best color analyst in the business.

Personal facts

Babe Laufenberg
Birth dateDecember 05, 1959
Birth place
Burbank California


American football player

Career start1983
Career end1992
Draft pick168
Draft round6
Draft year1983
Dallas Cowboys
New Orleans Saints
San Diego Chargers
Washington Redskins
Kansas City Chiefs
Ohio Glory

Babe Laufenberg on Wikipedia