Beau Bell American football player

James Beaumont "Beau" Bell (born May 26, 1986) is a American football linebacker who is currently a member of the Los Angeles Kiss. He was drafted by the Cleveland Browns in the fourth round of the 2008 NFL Draft. He played college football at UNLV.Bell has also been a member of the Omaha Nighthawks and Spokane Shock.

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 26, 1986
Birth place
Tustin California
Height (meters)1.8796
Weight (Kilograms)111.132


American football player

Career start2008
Debut team
Cleveland Browns
Draft pick104
Draft round4
Draft year2008
Former team
Cleveland Browns
Spokane Shock
Los Angeles Kiss
BC Lions
Las Vegas Locomotives
Omaha Nighthawks
Los Angeles Kiss

Beau Bell on Wikipedia