Ben Aldridge American football player

Bennie Leo Aldridge (October 24, 1926 – May 14, 1956) was an American football defensive back and a halfback in the National Football League who played for the New York Yanks, the Dallas Texans, the San Francisco 49ers and the Green Bay Packers. Aldridge played his college football at Oklahoma State University and played 43 professional games from 1950–1953.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 24, 1926
Birth place
Duncan Oklahoma
Date of deathMay 14, 1956


American football player

Career start1950
Career end1953
Draft pick68
Draft round6
Draft year1950
Defensive back
Halfback (American football)
Green Bay Packers
San Francisco 49ers
New York Yanks
Dallas Texans (NFL)

Ben Aldridge on Wikipedia