Bill Adams American football player

William Joseph "Bill" Adams (born February 4, 1950) is a former American football offensive guard in the National Football League. He played for the Buffalo Bills. He played college football at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.He was the head football coach for the Lynnfield High School Pioneers in Lynnfield, Massachusetts. He taught Physical Education and Health for many years until his retirement after the 2009-2010 school year. He will remain Co-Athletic Director with Neil Weidman, the new head football coach.

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Adams William Joseph
Birth dateFebruary 04, 1950
Birth place
Lynn Massachusetts


American football player

Career start1972
Career end1978
Draft pick
(By the Miami Dolphins)
Draft round7
Draft year1972
Guard (American and Canadian football)
Buffalo Bills

Bill Adams on Wikipedia