Bill Etter American football player

William F. Etter (born February 18, 1950) is a former American football quarterback. He was an All-American at Lewis & Clark High School in Spokane; a two-game starter for the University of Notre Dame until a knee injury ended his college career; and a three-year backup for the CFL's Hamilton Tiger-Cats, from 1973-1975. He is currently a commercial and personal injury defense lawyer in Spokane.Etter holds the Notre Dame record for the most rushing yards by a quarterback in a single game—146 yards against the Naval Academy, accomplished as a backup to Joe Theismann in 1969.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 18, 1950
Birth place
Spokane Washington , United States
Height (meters)1.8796
Weight (Kilograms)83.916


American football player

University of Notre Dame
Hamilton Tiger-Cats

Bill Etter on Wikipedia

External resources
