Bill Goldberg American football player

William Scott "Bill" Goldberg (born December 27, 1966) is an American actor, former professional football player and former professional wrestler. He is best known for his appearances with World Championship Wrestling (WCW) between 1997 and 2001, and in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) between 2003 and 2004. He is notable for his lengthy undefeated streak in singles competition. The official count is listed as 173–0, though the legitimacy of this figure has been questioned.Goldberg is a two-time world champion: a one-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion and a one-time World Heavyweight Champion in WWE. He is recognized by WWE as the only undefeated world champion in the history of sports entertainment. He is also a two-time WCW United States Heavyweight Champion and one-time WCW World Tag Team Champion (with Bret Hart). Goldberg headlined many pay-per-views for WCW and WWE, including closing WCW's premier annual event, Starrcade, on two occasions.Before he was a professional wrestler, Goldberg was a professional football player. After retiring from wrestling, he began working as a commentator for the mixed martial arts promotion EliteXC until its closure. As of 2010, he has been the host of Garage Mahal on the DIY Network.

Personal facts

Bill Goldberg
Birth dateDecember 27, 1966
Birth nameWilliam Scott Goldberg
Birth place
Tulsa Oklahoma
Height (meters)1.8796
Weight (Kilograms)120.6576


American football player

Career start1990
Career end1990
Debut team
Atlanta Falcons
Draft pick302
Draft round11
Draft year1990
Former team
Atlanta Falcons
Carolina Panthers
St. Louis Rams
Sacramento Gold Miners
Sacramento Surge

Bill Goldberg on Wikipedia

External resources
