Bill Romanowski American football player

William Thomas "Bill" Romanowski (born April 2, 1966) is a former American football player. He was born in Vernon, Connecticut. A linebacker, he graduated from Rockville High School in 1984, Boston College in 1988 (with academic honors and Scanlan Award Recipient), and then went on to a 16-year career in the NFL, playing for the San Francisco 49ers (1988–1993), Philadelphia Eagles (1994–1995), Denver Broncos (1996–2001), and Oakland Raiders (2002–2003). He was considered by many in the league at the time to be a dirty player, even spitting in other players' faces after plays.Romanowski played 243 consecutive games, an NFL record among linebackers, that stood until London Fletcher broke the record during the 2013 season, finishing his career with 265, (256 reg. season and 9 playoff games). He won 4 Super Bowl Championships, and is the only linebacker to start 5 Super Bowls (Super Bowl XXIII, Super Bowl XXIV, Super Bowl XXXII, Super Bowl XXXIII and Super Bowl XXXVII). During his 16-year career, Romanowski compiled 1,105 tackles, 39.5 sacks, 18 forced fumbles, and 18 interceptions, which he returned for a net total of 98 yards and 1 career touchdown. Romanowski was a Pro Bowl selection twice, in 1996 and 1998, both during his tenure with the Denver Broncos.

Personal facts

Bill Romanowski
Birth dateApril 02, 1966
Birth place
Vernon Connecticut
Height (meters)1.9304
Weight (Kilograms)111.132
