Brian Barthelmes American football player

Brian Barthelmes (pronounced barth-ULL-mess; born January 28, 1983 in Geauga County, Ohio) is a former American football offensive lineman. Barthelmes was originally signed as an undrafted free agent by the New England Patriots after the 2006 NFL Draft. Barthelmes was released on August 16, 2007.He now fronts the indie folk band "Tallahassee," and performs songs about his experiences as a football player at Kenston High School.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 28, 1983
Birth place
Geauga County Ohio
Height (meters)1.9812
Weight (Kilograms)136.08


American football player

Former team
New England Patriots
Amsterdam Admirals
Center (American and Canadian football)
Undrafted year2006

Brian Barthelmes on Wikipedia

External resources
