Bubby Brister American football player

Walter Andrew "Bubby" Brister, III (born August 15, 1962, in Monroe, Louisiana) is a former American football quarterback in the NFL for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Philadelphia Eagles, New York Jets, Denver Broncos, and Minnesota Vikings. He played quarterback at Tulane and Northeast Louisiana and was taken in the third round of the 1986 NFL Draft by the Pittsburgh Steelers.He was given the nickname "Bubby" (a mispronunciation of "Brother") by one of his five older sisters. Being the sixth child born was his reason for choosing 6 as his jersey number.Brister played his high school football in Monroe, Louisiana and originally enrolled at Tulane; at that time he was known as Bubba Brister. The nickname was modified to "Bubby" sometime shortly after he transferred to Northeast Louisiana (now Louisiana-Monroe) in 1982.

Personal facts

Birth dateAugust 15, 1962
Birth place
Alexandria Louisiana , Monroe Louisiana


American football player

Career start1986
Career end2000
Debut team
Pittsburgh Steelers
Draft pick67
Draft round3
Draft year1986
Denver Broncos
Minnesota Vikings
New York Jets
Philadelphia Eagles
Pittsburgh Steelers
Kansas City Chiefs

Bubby Brister on Wikipedia