Buster Rhymes American football player

George "Buster" Rhymes (born January 27, 1962 in Miami, Florida) is a former professional American football wide receiver. Rhymes grew up in Liberty City, an inner-city section of Miami. He graduated from Miami Northwestern High School. He was a High School All-American and received a scholarship to play college football at the University of Oklahoma under coach Barry Switzer in 1981. Buster achieved All-American recognition at Oklahoma as a wide receiver, although he had his share of off-the-field incidents. According to teammate Brian Bosworth, after a snowstorm, some players engaged in a snowball fight and Buster Rhymes was hit. He went back into his room, returned with an Uzi, and fired it into the air. A slightly different version of this story was also written by Barry Switzer. At 6 ft 2 in (1.88 m), 218 lb (99 kg), Rhymes was selected by the Minnesota Vikings in the fourth round of the 1985 NFL Draft. Rhymes played in two National Football League seasons for the Vikings in 1985–1986, and in 1985 set an NFL single-season record for kick return yardage with 1,345 yards (which has since been broken). Following his NFL stint, Rhymes went to Canada and played for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Canadian Football League. He spent two seasons there (1988–89), winning a Grey Cup championship ring in 1988. In 2004, he was convicted of carjacking, and, in a separate incident, possession of crack cocaine. http://sports. espn. go. com/nfl/news/story?id=1806505&CMP=OTC-DT9705204233

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 27, 1962
Birth place
Miami , Florida
