Byron Franklin American football player

Byron Paul Franklin is a former professional American football wide receiver in the NFL for the Buffalo Bills and Seattle Seahawks. He played college football at Auburn University. A native of Sheffield, Alabama, Franklin starred in football at Auburn from 1976–1980 and received a B.S. in vocational and distributive education in 1991. His professional football career lasted from 1981 to 1987. He served as assistant director of athletic development at AU from 1991-93. Appointed to the AU Board of Trustees by Gov. Don Siegelman, Franklin now represents the 9th District for a term that expires on April 21, 2011. He currently chairs the university Student Affairs committee. Franklin was licensed to minister in 1998, and is the pastor of the Living Word Church in Livingston, Alabama. He is the director of special marketing and public relations for Birmingham-based Buffalo Rock Co. , vice president of B.B.C. Foods, and co-owner of Buffalo Connection restaurant in Auburn. Franklin is a husband and the father of four children.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 03, 1958
Birth place
Florence Alabama


American football player

Auburn University
Buffalo Bills
Seattle Seahawks

Byron Franklin on Wikipedia