Charlie Peprah American football player

Charles Yaw "Charlie" Peprah (born February 24, 1983) is an American football safety who is currently a free agent. After playing college football for Alabama, he was drafted by the New York Giants in the fifth round of the 2006 NFL Draft. He played for the Green Bay Packers from 2006 to 2008, the Atlanta Falcons in 2009, the Packers again from 2010 to 2011, and the Dallas Cowboys in 2012.

Personal facts

Charlie Peprah
Birth dateFebruary 24, 1983
Birth place
Fort Worth Texas
Height (meters)1.8034
Weight (Kilograms)92.0808


American football player

Career start2006
Debut team
Green Bay Packers
Draft pick158
Draft round5
Draft year2006
Former team
Atlanta Falcons
Dallas Cowboys
Green Bay Packers
New York Giants

Charlie Peprah on Wikipedia