Chick Jagade American football player

Harry Charles Jagade (December 9, 1926 – November 1968) was an American football fullback in the National Football League for the Cleveland Browns and Chicago Bears. He also played in the All-America Football Conference for the Baltimore Colts. Jagade played college football at Indiana University and was drafted in the fourteenth round of the 1948 NFL Draft by the Washington Redskins.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 09, 1926
Birth place
Chicago , Illinois
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1968


American football player

Career start1949
Career end1955
Draft pick
(By the Washington Redskins)
Draft round14
Draft year1948
Fullback (American football)
Chicago Bears
Cleveland Browns
Baltimore Colts (1947–50)

Chick Jagade on Wikipedia