Courtney Van Buren American football player

Courtney Van Buren (born February 22, 1980) is a former American football offensive tackle who played for the San Diego Chargers and the Detroit Lions. He played college football at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and graduated from Ladue Horton Watkins High School. Van Buren was drafted by the San Diego Chargers in the 3rd round (80th overall) of the 2003 NFL Draft. In 2006, he signed with the Detroit Lions for one year and sustained an injury to his knees, which were problematic throughout his career, subsequently forcing him into retirement.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 22, 1980
Birth place
St. Louis


American football player

Career start2003
Debut team
San Diego Chargers
Draft pick80
Draft round3
Draft year2003
Former team
Detroit Lions
San Diego Chargers
Tackle (American and Canadian football)

Courtney Van Buren on Wikipedia