Dan Audick American football player

Daniel James Audick, Ed.D. , (born November 15, 1954 in San Bernardino, California) is a former American football offensive lineman in the National Football League from 1977 through 1984. Dan was born into a large military family as the son of Col. Albert E. Audick, Sr. and Stella Audick. After his birth, he and his nine siblings moved to military bases in France, Virginia, Tennessee, Japan, Colorado, and Los Angeles, California. As a high school senior at Wasson High School in Colorado Springs, Audick earned All-State honors as an offensive lineman while contributing to the winning of what was then the AAA-Colorado high school football championship in 1971. In 2005, Audick was inducted with his teammates and coaches into the Colorado Springs Sports Hall of Fame. Audick was a scholarship student-athlete for the University of Hawaii Warrior football team from 1972 to 1977 and a team captain in the 1976 football season. Under the pioneering leadership of Coach Larry Price, he was one of the few former Warriors who made the transition from Division II Independent to Division IA Independent and who would go on to NFL careers and coaching careers. Notable Warrior pioneers that joined Audick in the transition of the Hawaii Warriors football team to Division IA football and who played at the old Honolulu Stadium and Aloha Stadium include Charles Aiu, Arnold Morgado, John Woodcock, and Rich Ellerson.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 15, 1954
Birth place
San Bernardino California
