Dick Modzelewski American football player

Richard Blair Modzelewski (born February 16, 1931) is a former American football defensive tackle in the National Football League for the Washington Redskins, Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Giants, and the Cleveland Browns. He also served as interim head coach of the Browns in the final game of the 1977 season. Modzelewski was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1993.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 16, 1931
Birth place
Allegheny County Pennsylvania


American football player

Career start1953
Career end1966
Draft pick16
Draft round2
Draft year1953
Head coach
Tackle (American and Canadian football)
Cleveland Browns
New York Giants
Pittsburgh Steelers
Washington Redskins

Dick Modzelewski on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://polishsportshof.com/inductees/football/dick-modzelewski