Floyd Womack American football player

Floyd Seneca "Pork Chop" Womack (born November 15, 1978) is an American football guard who is currently a free agent. He was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks in the fourth round of the 2001 NFL Draft. He played college football at Mississippi State.He has also played for the Cleveland Browns. Womack has played both right tackle and right guard in his career and saw time at both during the Browns' 2009 season.

Personal facts

Floyd Womack
Birth dateNovember 15, 1978
Height (meters)1.9304
Weight (Kilograms)148.7808


American football player

Career start2001
Debut team
Seattle Seahawks
Draft pick128
Draft round4
Draft year2001
Former team
Arizona Cardinals
Cleveland Browns
Seattle Seahawks
Free agent

Floyd Womack on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://espn.go.com/nfl/players/profile?playerId=2677