Ramon Harewood American football player

Ramon Harewood (born 3 February 1987) is a Barbadian American football offensive tackle who is currently a free agent. He played college football at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, was drafted in the 6th Round of the 2010 NFL Draft, the Ravens signing him to a three-year contract.

Personal facts

Ramon Harewood
Birth dateFebruary 03, 1987
Birth place
Saint Michael Barbados
Height (meters)1.9812
Weight (Kilograms)151.5024


American football player

Career start2012
Debut team
Baltimore Ravens
Draft pick194
Draft round6
Draft year2010
Former team
Baltimore Ravens
Denver Broncos
Tackle (American and Canadian football)
Denver Broncos

Ramon Harewood on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/team/roster/Ramon-Harewood/0748ea17-e16f-40ed-8e1c-76f471d2c65b
  2. http://www.morehouse.edu/athletics/football/players/ramon_harewood.html
  3. http://www.nfl.com/draft/2010/profiles/ramon-harewood?id=1037349