Ray Renfro American football player

Raymond Renfro (November 7, 1929 - August 4, 1997) was an American professional football player. Renfro attended the University of North Texas and played in twelve NFL seasons from 1952-1963 for the Cleveland Browns. He is the father of former Houston Oilers and Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Mike Renfro. Ray died at the age of 67. He was interred at its cemetery Greenwood Memorial Park along with Lon Evans.He also served as an NFL assistant coach in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1965 he coached running backs for the Detroit Lions. He then coached wide receivers for the Washington Redskins (1966-1967) and Dallas Cowboys (1968-1972).

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 07, 1929
Birth place
Whitesboro Texas
Date of deathAugust 04, 1997
Place of death
Fort Worth Texas


American football player

Career start1952
Career end1963
Draft pick48
Draft round4
Draft year1952
Wide receiver
Cleveland Browns

Ray Renfro on Wikipedia