Robert Jackson American football player

Robert E. Jackson (born April 1, 1953 in Charlotte, North Carolina) is a former American football guard who played eleven professional seasons with the National Football League's Cleveland Browns. Jackson attended Duke University where he arrived as a quarterback (a position he played at North Mecklenburg High School) with his twin brother Ken, a tight end. Robert filled out over his time at Duke, eventually landing on the offensive line. From a humble start as a free agent, Robert was honored as a Cleveland Browns Legend in September 2014 - started working in the insurance business in the offseason during his playing career. He and Doug Dieken eventually formed Jackson-Dieken and Associates in Westlake, Ohio, where Robert serves as principal.

Personal facts

Robert Jackson
Birth dateApril 01, 1953
Birth place
Charlotte North Carolina


American football player

Career start1975
Career end1985
Draft year1975
Guard (American and Canadian football)
Cleveland Browns

Robert Jackson on Wikipedia