Thomas Maley Harris Military person

Thomas Maley Harris (1817–1906) was a physician and Union general during the Civil War. Born and raised in Harrisville, Virginia (now part of West Virginia), Harris originally set out to be a teacher, but changed career paths to study medicine. He received his medical degree from Louisville Medical College in 1843 and returned to Virginia to practice medicine until 1861, when he closed his practice when the Civil War began.During the war, Harris commanded the 10th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment in the Shenandoah Valley, then a brigade and division during Philip Sheridan's Valley Campaigns of 1864. He was brevetted to brigadier general for service at the Battle of Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864.He was transferred to the Army of the James and took command of a division of reinforcements from the Department of West Virginia attached to the XXIV Corps. He received a full promotion to brigadier general in March 1865 and a brevet promotion to major general for service at the battle of Fort Gregg on April 2, 1865. His troops were among those directly responsible for cutting off Robert E. Lee's line of retreat at Appomattox Courthouse. Following the Confederate surrender at Appomattox, Harris served on the military commission which tried the Lincoln Conspirators. Following the trial general Harris authored two books about the trial evidences and proceedings: Assassination of Lincoln: A History of the Great Conspiracy, Trial of the Conspirators by a Military Commission, and a Review of the Trial of John H. Surratt, 1892; and later: Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, 1897.After the war, Harris elected to the West Virginia legislature and was appointed an adjunct general in the state militia and the U.S. pension agent for Wheeling, West Virginia. He resumed his medical practice until his retirement in 1885.

Personal facts

Thomas Maley Harris
Birth dateJune 17, 1817
Birth place
Wood County West Virginia
Date of deathSeptember 30, 1906
Place of death
Harrisville West Virginia


Military person

United States of America
military operations
American Civil War
Battle of Hatcher's Run
Battle of Droop Mountain
Battle of Cedar Creek
Second Battle of Kernstown
Battle of Appomattox Court House
Battle of Opequon
Third Battle of Petersburg
military branch
Union Army
military command10th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment
service start1861
service end1866

Thomas Maley Harris on Wikipedia